How to order items on BuySpot?

Step by step process of ordering items

Zaheer Ahmed Shaik

Last Update 2 年前

The process of ordering on BuySpot is relatively easy when compared to all the other applications.

The requirements for ordering on BuySpot are -

  - You need an active account, if you don't have any account then first create an account.

  - An Internet Access

The step by step process includes -

Step 1:

Open the link 'https://buyspot.in' in your favourite browser i.e., either desktop web browser or mobile web browser.

Step 2:

As the website loads out, click on 'Login' if you already have an account. Enter the mobile number and password you set during the registration. If you don't have an account then create one first. You can add products to cart without an account, however when you click on 'View Cart' after adding products then it will ask for login, at that time also you can create an account.

Step 3:

After successfully log in, you can use the 'Search Bar', which is found at the top of the website, for searching the required items. If the required items are found then you can 'Select the Quantity' and click on 'Add to Cart'.

Step 4:

After successfully adding all the required items to the cart, click on 'Cart Icon' found on 2nd top right corner of the front panel. A menu slides out, then you have to click on 'View Cart' to see the items added to the cart.

Step 5:

After verifying and confirming the products in the cart, click on 'Go to Checkout', the browser will ask you 'Are you sure?' then click on 'Yes'.

Step 6:

Now you have to choose the shipping address. If you haven't added any shipping address earlier then you can add a shipping address now. If you already many shipping addresses then you can select any one among them required for delivery. 

Step 7:

Now there is a option for selecting delivery date and preferable time slot for delivery i.e., either morning or evening. The delivery completely depends on your choice. If any changes occur in delivery then our support team will call you prior to delivery.

Step 8:

Now in this step you have to choose the payment method, if you want to pay online then you can select 'Razorpay' or 'PayTM' or your own 'BuySpot Wallet' and make the payment in further step. If you want to pay at delivery, then you can select 'Cash on Delivery'.

Step 9:

After verifying and confirming everything, click on 'Place Order'. Make the payment online if online methods selected or else pay the amount to the delivery boy during the delivery of your order.

In this way, items are ordered on BuySpot.

If you face any issues during ordering or if you are unable to order then feel free to reach us at [email protected] or https://tawk.to/buyspot.


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